Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Which is more powerful? Conscious or Subconscious?

Or is it just another never ending chicken & egg question?

Anyways, do we do what we do because we want to or because we just have to? Question here is, what is the true intention of any one of us even begin to decide that we want to do something? What is the driving force here?

Which brings us to, when we are conscious, do we actually know what we are doing and deciding what we want to do at the very moments? Or is it our subconscious is driving us to do it?

In this case, it does not matter what we are doing isn't it? Because in the end, we already knew subconsciously what we want and whatever we do, in the end we are going to do what the hidden thoughts inside of us wanted?

But then again, how can our subconscious work when there is no input at all when we are conscious? I'm sure what we wanted arise from what we see, do, imagine or even smell from our everyday lives no?

In the end, how do we know what we want is really what we want? Or are all these just complications of nothingness concocted by ourselves? Ponder...


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