Comes back to Music Matters 2010, Elyzia is very honoured to be one of the invited bands together with Ah5ive and Redpoll from Singapore to perform in this event @ HK.
We went there as a team, with a mission to promote the movement of "Live for the Mo\m/ent". Music never dies, we want to inspire and relay our message to everyone, We love music, and that's y we are here. We live the moment for our passion, so can you! \m/
This is really a very enjoyable trip, though schedules are hectic, but a fruitful and unforgetable trips, which we had brought back with us alot of memories and experiences.
Schedule for our stay in HK is as below:
26 May, Tuesday
7pm Boarding the flight from Singapore Changi Airport
Josh came down to send us off at the airport too:

Here is the long awaited post on Music Matters~~!!
10.30pm Touch down at Hong Kong
12am Reach our Hostel and go for supper
2am Head to bed
27 May, Wednesday
Redpoll's performance day at Grand Hyatt.
As excited as we were, being the 1st day in HK, we woke up early at 8am to head to Jordan for dim sum. After that, we went to walk around, and have some desserts. After which, we went back to the hostel together with redpoll, and get their stuffs prepared for heading down to the sound check in Grand Hyatt at 3pm.
When we reached Grand Hyatt, the hotel's design is really prestige, and we met up with one of the organisers, Alex Ng, and the soundman for the night - Stephen. There are really great professional people! Stephen is so into in making the sound right for redpoll.
After the sound check, we spilt our ways with redpoll, as we wanted to visit some pubs and places with live bands, while redpoll need to get themselves ready for the night. We gather again back at Grand Hyatt, before Redpoll's slot at around 9pm. Wow, the place is really filled with ALOT of people, and we met with Kris Lao, Shairah, and Lee Tong. They are all very nice people and performers!

After the performance and some supper, Frankie, Ivor, Kaywee and I went down to Lan Kuai Fong to reccee abit. Have some drinks, and then back to the hostel to rest, and get ready for the next day!
28 May, Thursday
Elyzia's performance at The Cavern - Singtel Night
Redpoll's performance at Rock School
As usual, we wakie in the morning, and have breakfast with the rest before walking around to do some shoppings. We went to Tom Lee to look at instruments, and Rhea gotten herself a very cool looking Pianica! Black keys with blue sharp keys. Immediately after she bought, she took it out and play it right outside Tom Lee's entrance. haha.

After that we went to Cavern to do some sound check for our set for the night at Cavern at 4pm. After the sound check, we went for dinner, sit around and chit chatted, to wait for our slots to come. Before our slot, is a Mongolian Band, playing some metal stuff with their chinese instruments. Very cool and new ideas, very nice!
Then it was our turn at around 9pm plus. The crowd was great, the place was great, everyone is just great!!

After our set at Cavern, we went down to Rockschool, a pub at Wan Chai, for Redpoll's performance around 10pm plus. We saw a japanese band before Redpoll, 2 pcs band with the guitarist and a Lady drummer. This band, esp the drummer, really impresses us!

And so, we ended our day at Rockschool!
29 May, Friday
Ah5ive's Performance at the Cavern
Ah5ive and Elyzia's Performance at Rock School
Comes to the 4th day in Hongkong. All of us are one by one getting more and more tired, with rushing all around for sound checks in the afternoon, and performance at night.
We had an easy breakfast, doing some free and easy shopping, and then started our usual routine.
1st, we went down to Cavern for ah5ive's sound check at 2pm, then we stayed outside, had some tea with dim sum, walk around, went to the xing guang da dao, take the ferry, and then to Rock school at around 9pm, for Elyzia's and ah5ive performance. Greg, the boss of Rockschool is a nice guy, treating us with shots. Rhea Frankie and Michel stayed back after the performance awhile to have a drink with Greg, and also supporting the bands performing on the same day while the others gotta rush down to Cavern for Ah5ive's performance at 12am. Rhea Frankie and Michel joined the rest back at Cavern after awhile.

As we did promise Greg that we will be back at Rockschool later, Frankie and Ivor did went down again after ah5ive's gig, while the rest, head back to the hostel to rest after the long day.
30 May, Saturday
Red Poll and Ah5ive performances at BackStage
Elyzia's performances at Beer Bar
Finally came to the last performance day of the trip. The energy of everyone was very much drained, and this day, is the busiest day with all the 3 bands performing on the same day!
We had our sound check at Beer Bar @ 2pm, then Ah5ive and Redpoll's sound check at 3 and 4pm. It was a rainy day, and we were all very tired too, so after dinner, we did not really ran around. Instead, we sit down in Pacific Coffee at Lan Kuai Fong, stoning, suring the net, drink coffee. Maybe becoz of the rain, the guys seemed to be falling sick and they felt cold. So they went to the nearby shopping mall to buy cardigans and sweaters, while the 3 girls remained in the cafe, to do their makeups, for hours.. lol. Whole day was spent at the cafe, before we head to backstage for the performances.

We got to know a band from Japan, who stayed in Hong Kong, called Ocean Boulevard. Great band, great people, all of us enjoyed their show!
After that, we rush down to Beer Bar, for the last show of the trip. Elyzia's performance at Beer Bar is at 2am!!! Before our slot, is Galaxy Express. When its our turn, the last slot of the day, everything was very smoothly at the beginning. But somehow, until our 3rd song, Ivor's amp started to give way. The fuse was blown, the Frankie's amp, and then Jason's amp. Left with only Michel and Me, = Drums, keys, and vocal. LOL... Its was a mess with all the instruments down, but i think, we did our best to make our show an enjoyable one! Somehow, we managed to have all the instruments and member back on stage for our last song. Really loads of experiences learnt, and really really did enjoyed ourselves! Despite all the mishap happening on the day, we have new supporters giving us their encouragement, which we really appreciate that alot!

For this whole MM trip, we had learnt to help and give our support to each other before, during and after the performances, we lived for the moment, we know loads of interesting and nice ppl like Alex, Chris B, Stephen, Mikey, Calvin, Nate and Chris from Of Moth and Stars, Greg from Rock School, Dr RS Fang, Ocean Boulevard and alot alot friends who gives us their support!
We will never gonna forget this trip, and the ppl we known, and, we will put what we had learnt, into our future performances!
Music Matters 2010, Music, Really Matters!